Playing With Death

sku RC5089539192

Coma is a fictional novel which is written in a method of “stream of consciousness”. In this novel, time is constantly flying between the past and the present. The perspective of this story is from first person view point, which is moving from one to another. The novel is about the events happening to an anesthetist during coma. He returns back to the normal life. But he finds that people who he met during anesthesia are real. They had some common experiences in an “Asynchrony”. The curiosity of the physician causes some excitement that makes him scared. The main character has changed during the story and after that, the story continues in another atmosphere that is pictured pending coma. This section asks about philosophical issues that deeply affect the reader’s mind and takes him with it. The sections are short and they are not totally related to each other at the first glance. But after a while, the reader realizes the deep relationship and the mainstream of the story. The book, including the character’s names is written in the same way as an English novel.
